RCIA – Catechumenate Phase – Catechist Formation – 2 Linked Workshops
The Catechumenate is a time of “suitable catechesis … planned to be gradual and complete
in its coverage, accommodated to the liturgical year and solidly supported by celebrations of
the word” [RCIA #75.1].
Workshop 1 will
– unpack the meaning of these words
– explore practical ways of providing suitable catechesis
– introduce a model of Liturgical Catechesis linked to the Church Calendar
A practical task begun in the Workshop 1 will be completed ahead of Workshop 2
Workshop 2 will
– review and build on the Liturgical Catechesis task
– discover the reasons for and benefits of Catechumens being ‘kindly dismissed’ from the
Sunday Liturgy
– identify practical ways of engaging in discernment